On Sunday, I went to breakfast with Barbara, Janet and Andrew at a swell breakfast joint over in St. Louis place. It had shiny red floors and is the most spic and span place I have ever eaten (I'll have to get the name from Barbara, because you should go there for breakfast ... they have the best pancakes in town). Barbara gave me a list of what I need to track over the course of rehabbing The Little Easy (pictured at left!) It is quite a long list. I called Tom T., who was almost our neighbor at one point, to see if he would be interested in serving as general contractor. Thom has been sick as a dog, so we haven't gone over to make measurements of the place (that's the first step, Barbara tells us). However, we did pick up a 100-ft. tape measure tonight so that we can make good use of the "antique graph paper," pack of pencils and clipboard that Barbara also gave us on Sunday. It gets dark so early (and brrr! It has gotten as cold as a miner's ass out there) but I am so excited. I am all fidgety because I need to get bank docs and a scope of work to Rick Horn ASAP and I feel like I am falling behind. I will have to work fast with Thanskgiving coming up - gotta get this stuff to them fast. This weekend is fairly eaten up, but I am hoping at the very least we can go through the house on Sat, early, and get those measurements, if not before.